Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

CREA supports business and economic opportunities through renewable energy development in a competitive environment. We support use of free enterprise principles to create economically and environmentally responsible electric generation within the State of Oregon.

CREA’s staff are committed to doing this work in a way that promotes equitable outcomes for the diversity of all businesses and residents in the region.

Diversity: While race and gender are historical markers of diversity, we believe that diversity includes categories such as age, disability, nationality, intellectual perspective, socioeconomic background, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. We also believe that diversity among our staff and various boards and committees strengthens our work through a variety of perspectives.

Equity: We believe that equity is achieved when systemic, institutional, and historical barriers based on the categories above are dismantled and no longer predict socioeconomic, education, and health outcomes.

Inclusion empowers the voice of all members of a community.

CREA will approach our organization’s mission through this culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion for the benefit of all residents, businesses, CREA employees, board and committee members.

Executive Committee Governance

CREA is a Chapter 190 Intergovernmental Organization, run by a 7 member Executive Committee, of which the majority must hold current seats in public office or positions of government employment. A minority of Executive Committee seats may be occupied by private sector members of CREA . Executive Committee Members serve 2 year terms, staggering for election by the larger Executive Board of government members at CREA’s Annual Meeting (typically held in coincidence with Association of Oregon Counties Annual Conference each November).